The best scene of The Avengers is an awesome work of post-production.
Do you remember this great scene in The Avengers? You know, the long, panning one-shot that showcases all six Avengers, working together to kick Chitauri butt all around midtown Manhattan. Remember? Good.
ILM just released a short behind-the-scene about how they made this incredibly elaborate shot, which included four different green-screen sets, 1200 shots of New York City, and about a lot CG artists.
And if you haven’t seen Marvel’s The Avengers yet (trailer here), you will be glad to know that Amazon offers the 3D Blu-ray at 30% off. Follow this link
Steve's Blog - Dec 29, 2012 | Movies, News, Post
Tagged | amazon, CGI, compositing, Marvel, movie, Post Production, The Avengers
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