After its Oscar nomination, ILM unveils more post-production goodness work on The Avengers
In a precedent post, I have introduced you to the awesome work of ILM on the incredible one-shot closing battle that introduce the whole team of super-heroes working together. Now that ILM’s effects work on The Avengers got a nomination for the Oscars, they has a new surprise for us…
ILM released a new, in-depth video reel of more post-production & fx work on the movie. They claim that this reel represents a small fraction of the work created by over 200 ILM artists, scientists, and engineers backed up by a world class production team.
One last thing, as mention by ILM on their YouTube channel:
The stop motion animations which open and close the reel were done the old fashioned way – by hand, one frame at a time. They were crafted by ILM’s stop motion guru, Erik Dillinger specifically for this reel.
And if you haven’t seen Marvel’s The Avengers yet (trailer here), you will be glad to know that Amazon offers the 3D Blu-ray at 30% off. Follow this link
Steve's Blog - Jan 15, 2013 | Movies, News, Post
Tagged | amazon, CGI, compositing, Marvel, movie, Post Production, The Avengers
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