After its Oscar nomination, ILM unveils more post-production goodness work on The Avengers

In a precedent post, I have introduced you to the awesome work of ILM on the incredible one-shot closing battle that introduce the whole team of super-heroes working together. Now that ILM’s effects work on The Avengers got a nomination for the Oscars, they has a new surprise for us…
The best scene of The Avengers is an awesome work of post-production.

Do you remember this great scene in The Avengers? You know, the long, panning one-shot that showcases all six Avengers, working together to kick Chitauri butt all around midtown Manhattan. Remember? Good.
The Massuah Museum Project

This project was wild!
When I was first approached by director Yali Bergman for the new exhibition for the Massuah Museum, we talked about a conventional and classic 3 screens movie.
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