The second part of the 7th season of Doctor Who’s kicks off with a new trailer & new posters

After a dramatic last half-season episode, the wait is finally over as our beloved space-traveller is back with the most iconic companion yet.
‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ is already available on iTunes with a lot of extras!

A few days before the official Blu-ray & DVD release, iTunes releases ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ just in time for the weekend with some surprises…
‘The Hobbit’ on Blu-ray & Blu-ray 3D has been announced and we have the full story!

We talked a lot about the release of the first movie of the new trilogy from Peter Jackson: ‘The Hobbit’, essentially because of the new high frame rate (HFR) technology that Peter Jackson used to shoot this trilogy. The reviews were mixed on both the technical side of the movie and on the creative side: some were shocked by the new ‘soap opera’ feeling that this new HFR give to the picture, others were blown away by the 3D quality and sleekness of the picture. Some feels that the movie was ways too long while other enjoyed any second. One thing is sure: none was left indifferent to ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’.
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is finally available!

The creation of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome wasn’t a really easy path and its final fate might augur of a new relationship between production , distribution & public. More about it later on. For now, let begins with a little bit of history about the Battlestar Galactica franchise after the jump…
Discover or re-discover what color timing is with this awesome new iPad app

Do you know Dale Grahn? He is a major color timer that shaped much of the look of modern cinema. He is credited for hundreds of major films and was the color timer for Steven Spielberg. Digital tools appeared and its art was lost… until today.
After its Oscar nomination, ILM unveils more post-production goodness work on The Avengers

In a precedent post, I have introduced you to the awesome work of ILM on the incredible one-shot closing battle that introduce the whole team of super-heroes working together. Now that ILM’s effects work on The Avengers got a nomination for the Oscars, they has a new surprise for us…
Golden Globe Awards 2013: The Jury is out and we have the results!

The ceremony for the Golden Globe 2013 is over and we have the results in pictures.
The best scene of The Avengers is an awesome work of post-production.

Do you remember this great scene in The Avengers? You know, the long, panning one-shot that showcases all six Avengers, working together to kick Chitauri butt all around midtown Manhattan. Remember? Good.
‘The Hobbit’ is out and Amazon Drops The Lord of the Rings Extended Blu-ray Under $40 to celebrate.

Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey debuts this weekend and this has prompted online retailer to take advantage of the hype and offer a deal on Jackson’s first foray into Tolkien’s world.
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