‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ is already available on iTunes with a lot of extras!

A few days before the official Blu-ray & DVD release, iTunes releases ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ just in time for the weekend with some surprises…
‘The Hobbit’ on Blu-ray & Blu-ray 3D has been announced and we have the full story!

We talked a lot about the release of the first movie of the new trilogy from Peter Jackson: ‘The Hobbit’, essentially because of the new high frame rate (HFR) technology that Peter Jackson used to shoot this trilogy. The reviews were mixed on both the technical side of the movie and on the creative side: some were shocked by the new ‘soap opera’ feeling that this new HFR give to the picture, others were blown away by the 3D quality and sleekness of the picture. Some feels that the movie was ways too long while other enjoyed any second. One thing is sure: none was left indifferent to ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’.
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